
Showing posts from September, 2020

This person Created Exams!!

 I am sure at least 90% of your class hates exams...don't they?? . I bet everyone reading this, might have questioned themselves or their parents/teachers - that, "Who is the person, who created these exams?" Let me tell you...I asked myself this question too.  Let me answer your Question - Henry A. Fischel is the person who created these exams!! He was born on November 20, 1913, and died on March 20, 2008.  Fischel was an influential figure in founding the Jewish Studies Program at Indiana University. The first-ever exam was held in  China. His idea of exams was that every person should know how to examine things before reaching a conclusion. He was one of the philosophers who had a philosophy of EXAMINATION. The first country to implement a nationwide standardized test was ancient China. HISTORY- As already told, The first-ever examination was held in China, that exam was known as Imperial Examination-This was held for some government posts. This examination philosophy

The Weirdest Phobias People ever Had!!

 Phobias - You must have at least one phobia or you might have seen someone having one, did you? I did but they were regular phobias people experience normally but here are a few of the weirdest phobias which were and are experienced by people: 1)   ARACHIBUTYROPHOBIA  - I know, this is a very weird name itself but do you know what is interesting about it?That this phobia is the fear of Peanut Butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.How funny! I never Imagined there was a Phobia like this. Let's Dig into this deeper, this word "Arachibutyrophobia" comes from the Greek words - "Arachi" which means Groundnut, and the word "Butyr" means butter.  It is just that a person is afraid that he might be choked by eating peanut butter or either just hates that feeling. Here the Phobia is not about eating peanut butter, it is about the peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth, but if you have a phobia like this don't worry, it is just your feeling; so


                                  FACTS THAT REALLY HAPPENED BUT YOU NEVER KNEW The world is so huge, we don't know what is happening all around the world; in fact, we don't know what is happening next door. Did you ever wonder, are there any incidences that were never imagined to happen on this Earth? Yes, I did, and believe me there were many like that. Here are a few mindblowing and unknown facts : 1) The blood rain, Kerla :       An auspicious and never-imagined thing happened in Kerla, on 25 July 2001. The rain was pouring down, but it is not normal, the rainwater was in red which caused the people to worry. This was not the first time the blood rain took place, cases have been reported since the 8th century when the rain was actually considered blood because of which, the appearance of blood rain was considered an omen/evil.   But the real reason behind this was known after 10 years of research, but yet it was not confirmed legally. Few scientists say that it was due to

Tutankhamun’s curse

- Tutankhamun’s Curse - Tutankhamun ( An Egyption Pharaoh ) Have you ever considered if the Egyptian tombs were actually cursed?  Well, let me tell you about the Tutankhamun's Curse.... Tutankhamun was an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, who died in 1323 BC aged about 18.  On November 4, 1922, a team of archeologists lead by Howard Carter discovered Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb, in the Valley of the Kings, across the Nile from Luxor in Egypt . One more interesting thing about the tomb was that it was not plundered from the early times like the other tombs. In fact it was the first tomb to be found almost entirely undisturbed. The most significant point of the tutankhamun's tomb which created a sensational news and circulated all over the world, was the eng raved   plaque  – “Death comes on swift wings to he who disturbs the  tomb  of the pharaoh”.  Now, here comes the question 'Is Tutankhamun's curse real?'.  No one knows the answer to this, but there are incidents wher


                                                                        Impact  of social media on Teens  Social Media plays an important role in the day-to-day life of a person especially teenagers or adolescents. It has been a major part of all aspects like  -communication, exploration, education, and Innovation. It has been used widely across the world, hence, this is used for knowing what exactly is happening in every corner of the world. IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON EDUCATION As I already mentioned social media makes a huge difference in Education As per the survey of previous research, 90% of college students use social networks. Social media has increased the quality and rate of collaboration for students. With the help of social media, students can easily communicate or share information quickly with each other through various social sites like Facebook, Orkut, and Instagram, etc. This results in sharing information but at times there might be wrong information given.     The po