Impact  of social media on Teens 

Social Media plays an important role in the day-to-day life of a person especially teenagers or adolescents. It has been a major part of all aspects like  -communication, exploration, education, and Innovation. It has been used widely across the world, hence, this is used for knowing what exactly is happening in every corner of the world.


As I already mentioned social media makes a huge difference in Education

As per the survey of previous research, 90% of college students use social networks. Social media has increased the quality and rate of collaboration for students. With the help of social media, students can easily communicate or share information quickly with each other through various social sites like Facebook, Orkut, and Instagram, etc. This results in sharing information but at times there might be wrong information given.

    The positive impact of social media  on education


  • It helps the student find and express their opinion on certain questions 
  • It can help a student understand a concept more clearly in their own manner.      
  • Social media gives away to the students to effectively reach each other in regards to class ventures, bunch assignments, or for help on homework assignments
  • Teachers may post on social media about class activities, school events, homework assignments which will be very useful to them.
The negative impact of social media on students 
  • It can lead the student to get the wrong answers
  • Wrong and inappropriate information might be posted.
  • Online study can distract you through notifications and chats.  


In this generation, youngsters use social media the most. This makes it a necessity for them to know the right and wrong while using social media, which helps them keep away from cybercrime  

      The positive impact of social media  on Youngsters:
  • Teens can get connected with other people and communicate with them. ( knowing it's safe to communicate with them)     
  •  Useful information can be exchanged over social networking sites.
  • In a Critical Development period, youngsters also go to social networking sites for advice and information.                                                                                                                                 

The negative impact of social media  on Youngsters:
  • Today, it’s not clear that who the “strangers” are especially in the field of social media
  • Mostly, youngsters waste lots of time on social sites like, chatting which also affects their health.
  • There are many cases registered in the police station where adults target young children and lure them into meeting them.

 Most of the teenagers are not aware of the website policies when setting their profiles and they may not be even aware of disclosing the information to third parties like the advertisers. Most teenagers like to post their information publicly which will affect them when the hackers or people with cruel intensions may use their information for wrong purposes.


Cyberbullying is one of the bad aspects of social media usage, It can make a person mentally unstable. People or teenagers who post their information online which is leaked to the public could lead to cyberbullying. The bully can use this information for wrong purposes hence he/she starts blackmailing the user. This can lead to depression in the person who posted this information. At times due to overpressure and depression teenagers commit suicides. 

                                                                          PARENTS SUPERVISION 

Parents need to keep an eye on their child's behavior while using social media. They need to explain and educate them, how to use social media in a proper and mannered way. This will guide the child in the right path. Parents need to supervise their child's accounts and monitor them.

Parents should keep a lookout for the symptoms of virtual peer pressure like depression, loss of appetite, social withdrawal, rude behavior, etc. Various studies have indicated that kids with little or no supervision are more likely to get affected by peer pressure. 

                                                                  PEER PRESSURE (SOCIAL PRESSURE)

Students in schools and colleges face a lot of peer pressure from their partners to do this and that. As they don't want to be left out or avoided they start listening and following their peers.  The person should know and understand how to fight it.  Peer pressure might cause depression and anxiety. Hence, they should share their feelings with either their parents or true friends. 

                                                                       Easy Ways to Kick Social Media Addiction

Delete social media accounts you don't use. ...
Be realistic when setting goals. ...
Be mindful of the time spent on social media. ...
Turn off “push” notifications on social media. ...
Don't feed the trolls. ...
Purge your “friends” and “follow” lists.

Go on a social media cleanse: Challenge yourself to go a certain time without checking social media, whether it's for a few hours or an entire week.
Delete apps, or disable notifications from social media: Most people check into social media mindlessly, so put a small barrier in the way by turning off notifications.


Using social media has its own advantages and disadvantages, We can make wonderful use out of social media but not distractions and false information. Make a better use out of it. Try to not share personal information online and communicate only when known that the other person is a safe person to talk to.
Don't take in false information and avoid peer pressure, it is up to you if you want to use social media or not hence, don't get depressed by what others say. Take your parent's advice and let them know what is happening. 


                                        stay tuned for more blogs from                                

                          The next blog is about Cursed Egyptian Tombs, wait for it !!


sources  ( images from google)



  1. Good post.. Continue more like this and bring awareness 🙏

    1. Thankyou ! sure will bring good and informative topics

  2. Thought provoking and informative.
    Good job.

    1. Thankyou !! support us and continue seeing our blogs for more information .

  3. Excellent! well articulated article. Good job Charitha and Danvita.

    1. Thanks so much ! stay tuned for the new blog today

  4. Replies
    1. Thankyou !! please stay tuned for the new blog coming out today !! @7:30 .

  5. Thankyou !! , A new blog is coming up today , check it out


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