This person Created Exams!!

 I am sure at least 90% of your class hates exams...don't they?? . I bet everyone reading this, might have questioned themselves or their parents/teachers - that, "Who is the person, who created these exams?" Let me tell you...I asked myself this question too. 

Let me answer your Question -

Henry A. Fischel is the person who created these exams!! He was born on November 20, 1913, and died on March 20, 2008.  Fischel was an influential figure in founding the Jewish Studies Program at Indiana University. The first-ever exam was held in  China. His idea of exams was that every person should know how to examine things before reaching a conclusion. He was one of the philosophers who had a philosophy of EXAMINATION. The first country to implement a nationwide standardized test was ancient China.


As already told, The first-ever examination was held in China, that exam was known as Imperial Examination-This was held for some government posts. This examination philosophy was established by the Sui Dynasty in 605 AD, but after 1300 Years it was abolished again. By the time it was abolished in China, England adopted this philosophy and forced "their" regions to implement it.

This is how India also adopted the philosophy of Examination. 

Let us also talk about who created homework-

Doesn't homework annoy you?? This person Invented homework!! ROBERTO NEVELIS is born in (native) ITALY. He invented Homework in 1905. Isn't this a punishment for students? if yes comment down below why (same for no). 

Homework describes itself. This played an important role by the middle-end of the 20th century, schools implemented homework on a daily basis.

Wait for it - Robert Nevelis Invented Homework as punishment itself for his underperforming students and now billions of students are also considering it as a punishment but is it....?

                                                                              THANKYOU !!                                                              


  1. Very good info Cherry. Thank you for sharing

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