The Weirdest Phobias People ever Had!!

 Phobias- You must have at least one phobia or you might have seen someone having one, did you? I did but they were regular phobias people experience normally but here are a few of the weirdest phobias which were and are experienced by people:

1)  ARACHIBUTYROPHOBIA - I know, this is a very weird name itself but do you know what is interesting about it?That this phobia is the fear of Peanut Butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.How funny! I never Imagined there was a Phobia like this. Let's Dig into this deeper, this word "Arachibutyrophobia" comes from the Greek words - "Arachi" which means Groundnut, and the word "Butyr" means butter. 

It is just that a person is afraid that he might be choked by eating peanut butter or either just hates that feeling. Here the Phobia is not about eating peanut butter, it is about the peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth, but if you have a phobia like this don't worry, it is just your feeling; so consult a doctor who can help you! 

2)  SYNGENESOPHOBIA - We all probably love or hate visiting relatives..... but do you know there is a whole phobia related to it? This is the fear of meeting their relatives and people who have this phobia experience a high amount of anxiety which can be so intense that they can have a full burst of a panic attack. Isn't that scary?

But this is not just a phobia - it can lead to a lot of other diseases/side effects like increased heart rate an increased rate of breathing, higher blood pressure, muscle tension, trembling, and excessive sweating, among several other symptoms. So people who experience this please consult a doctor and try avoiding meeting relatives if you are not really ready and that's ok. 


3)  HELIPHOBIA  - This world is bright and fresh, Running out in the morning sun makes everyone feel so good but there are people in the world who are afraid of going out in the sunlight and this phobia is known as Heliophobia. The people who have this Phobia can feel his/her skin burning under the sunlight but it is not physically appeared. 

 They also might feel numb, Nauseated, uncomfortable, irregular heartbeat, fainting, rapid breathing, panic attack , air hunger, and many more symptoms. So, people who experience this use umbrella before going out in the sun, use glasses, and consult a doctor to give you advice or treatment. 

4)SOMNIPHOBI -  Everyone loves falling asleep to rest and have a refreshing nap but the people who experience this phobia are afraid that they will fall asleep but I am glad I am not. These people are afraid to sleep because they are worried they might get sleep hallucinations or sleep paralysis.

 Few people also say that it is because they might experience nightmares. People who experience Somniphobia get anxious and irritated when sleep time comes around, this causes headaches and irritation which might have other side effects . Sleep is really important so the person who has this phobia should immediately consult a doctor. 

TREATMENT: the best thing to avoid all the phobias is having treatment, so go for it !!

THERE ARE MORE SILLY PHOBIAS YOU DID NOT HEAR OF, IF YOU WANT MORE I CAN DO A PART TWO. recommend topics you like in the comment section!!! 


Written by CHARITHA.K 

Sources of pictures only  ( all from google ) -\

Thanks to all the sites who contributed the pictures !! 


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