FACTS THAT REALLY HAPPENED BUT YOU NEVER KNEW

Red Mesa Fellowship: St. George, UT > Mind Blowing God

The world is so huge, we don't know what is happening all around the world; in fact, we don't know what is happening next door. Did you ever wonder, are there any incidences that were never imagined to happen on this Earth? Yes, I did, and believe me there were many like that. Here are a few mindblowing and unknown facts :

1) The blood rain, Kerla :

     An auspicious and never-imagined thing happened in Kerla, on 25 July 2001. The rain was pouring down, but it is not normal, the rainwater was in red which caused the people to worry. This was not the first time the blood rain took place, cases have been reported since the 8th century when the rain was actually considered blood because of which, the appearance of blood rain was considered an omen/evil.

Blood Rain of Kerala : mystery 

But the real reason behind this was known after 10 years of research, but yet it was not confirmed legally. Few scientists say that it was due to the rust moisture/vapors present in the air which turned the normal rain into the red but it was not proved, hence it was left as a mystery. 

2) The doll island - Mexico.

La Isla de las Muñecas (Island of the Dolls) – Mexico City, Mexico - Atlas  Obscura

       When we were kids, I am sure we all played with toys and especially dolls. Now here comes the question," Is there something like a house for dolls on earth?". Yes, there is, around 1500+ dolls are present on this island known as Channels Xochimilco, South center. This island was originally owned by Julián Santana Barrera. He believed that by hanging dolls he can put spirits and evil away. He did this because of a specific reason, Julián believed that dolls helped to chase away the spirit of a girl drowned years ago near his place and her name was Santana Barrera who died in 2001 of a heart attack. But this soon turned into a tourist attraction for the channels. 

3) The Mystery of Khodini :

India's Twin Town: The Mystery Of Kodinhi

      Khodini is a  small village in Kerala, which is also known as the 'Twin Town', but do you know why it is called the twin town? It is because it has the highest birth rate of twins all over the world. In India, the birth rate of twins is 4 in 1000 but this doesn't apply in the village of Khodini, here twins' birth rate is 45 per 1000, here almost every family has twins, but no one knows why this happens. There were tests and researches held to know what is the reason behind this. When deep research was done it also revealed that there were other communities like this in Hung Loc commune, Igbo-Ora, and Candido Godo respectively from Brazil, Nigeria, and Vietnam. In October 2016, CSIR and Kerla university together put up research and at last said that it was due to the water and air present in that area but there weren't any proofs. 

4) The Snake Island :

people on beach during daytime

 This Island is also known as the Ilha da Queimada Grande, which is located in Brazil. Brazil's government has banned people to enter that Island cause it has species of pit viper and the deadliest serpents. People also say that the Island is shaped as a Snake. You might get a doubt why do these many snakes live there? The snakes became trapped on the island when rising sea levels covered up the land that connected it to the mainland. The deadliest snake on the Island is - Golden Lancehead snakes.

brown snake on the ground

There are around 2000-4000 snakes on the snake Island. A lighthouse was constructed in 1909 to steer ships away from the island. The last human inhabitants left the island when the lighthouse was automated. Hence also regarded as one of the deadliest places on earth.

- Written By Charitha 


SOURCES(only for pictures)  :






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