
Top 10 Inspirational quotes!

  When I am feeling low, depressed, and pressurized, all I do is go to google and search for inspirational quotes that are gonna make my day. The quotes can be interpreted differently based on what you have gone through in your life but remember, nothing should stop you. Quotes are like medicine, they help you through difficult times and let you know the answer to your problem. I am going to share my top 10 favorite quotes that make my day and let's hope they make yours too... 1) " Don't you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are"                                                                                    - Lady Gaga This is one of the best quotes and I relate to this....a lot of my friends judge me for my style, my hobbies, and my talent but I say, these are what, that made me who I am and the fact that they don't like it doesn't matter to me because I am happy with myself and that is what that matters :)  2) &

Maleesha Kharwa

  I would like to introduce you to one of my friend's youtube Chanel, which is basically all about craft, innovation, creativity, and learning! If you love learning craft or Art, Checkout her Youtube Channel and subscribe to her, if you wanna see more art content on her channel. All the video links of her Youtube channel are down below -  (1) T&D Zone - YouTube Maleesha Kharwa is a very ambitious and talented young girl who lives in the slums of Mumbai. She originally comes from Gujarath and stays in Mumbai with her Dad, her sister, and her brother. She goes to the local Government school and speaks English very fluently! When the English actor Robert Hoffman was touring the place, he found Maleesha and was very impressed by her hence, he included her in his Instagram reel. Maleesha wanted to become a Dancer and a super Model once she grows up, She is now known as " The princess of the slum." Robert Hoffman helped Maleesha to open up an Instagram account and to help h

The Black Death!

 The black death is one of the deadliest pandemic recorded in human history which resulted in about 100-200 million deaths. The black death occurred due to the Bubonic plague which whipped away over 42% of Europe and other places in the world.  The bubonic plague started in 1347 to 1351 in various places such as Eurasia, south and north Africa, many parts of the UK, England, and Spain. There were three major pandemics recorded due to the Bubonic plague. The plague was caused due to the Yersinia bacterium which is present in small fleas and animals. The plague was a  communicable disease that can be transmitted from fleas to animals and the bite of these fleas to humans can cause the spread of the Plague. The main cause of the bubonic plague is the trade that was happening all around the world. The fleas with the Yersinia bacteria settle on the rats. When these rats climb onto the ships which were going to go to other countries for exporting and importing, the rats start going into othe

Mythical looking animals that actually exists!

There are various species of animals that exist in the present world, humans are regarded as animals too. Due to several human activities, numerous animals got extent and endangered. If you think, you might know most of the creatures living on Earth .... then read this blog to know about Whales that have horns or Deers which have Vampire's teeth.  1) NARWHAL -  Narwhal or Narwhale is a whale with a large tusk or Tooth,  It has a longhorn which can measure up to 9 feet in males. It is believed to be used for fighting off potential rivals. Narwhals are very rare and are estimated to be in a very low number - 45,000 to 50,000. Narwhal's scientific name is Monodon monoceros and Weight up to 4200 pounds with a length up to 14 feet in all. Their habitat - Oceans and they spend most of their lives in Arctic waters in Canada, Norway, or Russia. They feed mainly on Greenland halibut and other long fish. 2) SUPERB BIRD OF PARADISE -  By the name itself, we can understand that this bird c

Mental illness

Millions of people from all over the world suffer from mental illness, at least 1 out of 5 people are affected by mental illness and the problem can be mild or major but their daily activities can be affected due to it. Mental illness is a mental health disorder that influences/affects your mood, thinking, behavior, and daily activities; It can distract you and a common example of a mental disorder is depression or anxiety. Mental illness can occur due to financial problems, stress, family issues, or even social pressure, It can occur to anyone, any age, any gender, any time. We can prevent and recover from mental illness. 1) around 20% of American adults go through mental illness, 5% have serious mental illnesses. 8% of them can be cured. 2) Mental health is the proper functioning of daily activities such as relationships and cope up with life. Many people who suffer from mental illness do not want to express their feeling about it, they are worried that people might have a bad percep

Haunted Houses in real Life !

 Do you believe in Paranomial activities, curses, or Ghosts? I don't but I cannot say that ghosts don't actually exist. People have different opinions on paranormal activities and myths about Ghosts but I say that our mind is the one who is playing the trick. But here are few real haunted places or believed to be -  1) Hotel Cecil in Los Angeles, California -    This is one of the spookiest stories I have ever read. Murders, suicides, serial killers, and crazy paranormal activities. This hotel was opened in 1927 but the first-ever death was reported in 1931, but it didn't stop there ... a long string of deaths continued in 1932, 1934, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1939, and 1940. This continued till the 1960s, people were murdered, drank poison, shot themselves in front of the mirror, and slit their throats. A 19-year-old murdered a newborn in 1944  September, she woke up in the middle of the night and was having a terrible stomach ache, she rushed to the washroom and gave birth to a b

Long - Distance parents - children Relationships !

  Nowadays many teenagers after tenth live away from their parents due to educational needs. After their higher education is also done, most of the adults get jobs and start moving into their own interiors. The adults/teens communicate with their parents through phones and regularly meet during holidays. The parents of these kids wait eagerly to see them, they no longer feel like their kids are there beside them but many adults take care of their parents by transferring money to them and calling them every day.  Many adults still respect their parents and bear all their expenses for health and needs. No matter what, parents did everything for you and the reason you are here today is due to them. They took care of you for years and now it is our time to take care of them. In childhood, they got us what we want and educated us even if it is hard for them to pay school bills and why not now, we pay them back with respect for what all they did. They don’t want money or luxury, the only thi