Mythical looking animals that actually exists!

There are various species of animals that exist in the present world, humans are regarded as animals too. Due to several human activities, numerous animals got extent and endangered. If you think, you might know most of the creatures living on Earth .... then read this blog to know about Whales that have horns or Deers which have Vampire's teeth. 


Narwhal or Narwhale is a whale with a large tusk or Tooth,  It has a longhorn which can measure up to 9 feet in males. It is believed to be used for fighting off potential rivals. Narwhals are very rare and are estimated to be in a very low number - 45,000 to 50,000. Narwhal's scientific name is Monodon monoceros and Weight up to 4200 pounds with a length up to 14 feet in all. Their habitat - Oceans and they spend most of their lives in Arctic waters in Canada, Norway, or Russia. They feed mainly on Greenland halibut and other long fish.


By the name itself, we can understand that this bird cannot be compared with any other normal bird. The bird is also known as The Greater Lophorina. The male birds follow a courtship ritual where they spread out their wings or the Black cape which forms a disc shape, the bright blue Breastplate, and the  Eyes are visible in the dark wings, They dance around the Female birds in a semicircle until the Females wooed.

                                                        A PICTURE BY VIBHOR MURTI!
                              Instagram - @vibhor_art ( Go check out his drawings, they are amazing)
                                                           Thank you for this beautiful Drawing!  


 Deers are very gentle and calm animals but did you ever see or hear about deers with fangs .... in simple words - A vampire deer. Vampire Deers are known as Water Deer too, they are native to China and Korea. The scientific name of Vampire Deer is Hydropotes inermis. They are also found in few parts of India and places around India, such as -  Kashmire ( Kashmiri tush deer ), Native to the Himalayas in Northern India, Pakistan, and northern Afganistan. They are a species of Musk deer and only the males have Fangs in these species. It was believed that Vampire deer were extinct until Researchers found a musk deer in Northern Afganistan in November 2019 in over 60 years.


Is a small blue slug which is from the Glaucidea, the sea slugs are pelagic and they float upside down.
The Glaucus Atlanticus feeds on the Portuguese man of war. After feeding on its preyit stores the stingers of its prey in the finger-like appendages and fends off attackers. In simple name, Glaucus Atlanticuz is known as "Blue Glaucus". It is a shell-less slug and uses surface tension to stay floating.


Thorny Devil is known in various names such as - Mountain Devil or Thorny Dragon. It is considered in the "Lizard" species and comes from the Family Agamidae. The scientific name of this reptile is Moloch horridus. Females are normally larger than Males and the Males grow up to 21 cm long.
They can live up to 20 years and one of their features is that they change their body color according to the temperature and nature of the place They are mostly found in Australia and Southern parts of Australia ( especially in desert regions).

Aren't these animals very interesting to study about, if you liked the blog please share it with others so that they can learn too, and Follow me on Blogspot for more interesting content.

- Written by Charitha 
         and thank you again for the picture - Vibhor murti 



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