Mental illness

Millions of people from all over the world suffer from mental illness, at least 1 out of 5 people are affected by mental illness and the problem can be mild or major but their daily activities can be affected due to it. Mental illness is a mental health disorder that influences/affects your mood, thinking, behavior, and daily activities; It can distract you and a common example of a mental disorder is depression or anxiety.

Mental illness can occur due to financial problems, stress, family issues, or even social pressure, It can occur to anyone, any age, any gender, any time. We can prevent and recover from mental illness.

1) around 20% of American adults go through mental illness, 5% have serious mental illnesses. 8% of them can be cured.

2) Mental health is the proper functioning of daily activities such as relationships and cope up with life.

Many people who suffer from mental illness do not want to express their feeling about it, they are worried that people might have a bad perception about it but there is nothing they should be afraid of! If they express themself, they can be cured by treatment. People often support and help people having a mental illness. 

It is said that 75% of the mental illness occurs at age 24 but doesn't matter, a mental illness can attack a person at any age. It is believed that a mental disorder can affect a male and a female differently, Disorders like Perinatal depression, Premenopause related depression, and Premenstrual dysphoric Disorder are some of the illnesses that only occur in women. According to researches conducted, Men and women experience some mental illnesses differently and certain symptoms are more in women; examples - Bipolar disorder and Schizophrenia.

Symptoms that are common when a person is experiencing Mental illnesses are -

  • Feeling depressed or down
  • Feeling extreme guilt or excessive fear/worries
  • Hearing or seeing things that aren't real
  • Reduced ability to focus
  • suicidal thoughts.
  • Extreme mood changes 
  • Not being open to people and not expressing themself.
  • Sleeping problems and low energy.
There are many more symptoms, but these are the most noticeable and common.

Recovering from mental illnesses -
Many Mental disorders have treatment and people can recover from it. Starting from diagnosis and into handling it matters. 
One of the main ways is to start socializing, expressing yourself to others, and basically start talking! Engage your mind in various fun activities. 

Recovering from mental illnesses takes a lot of time but with a proper individualized medical plan, medication, Psychotherapy, and peer/family help; you can recover fast.

Try talking to people who are ready to listen, share your problems, and if you are going through a difficult time, consult a doctor, a Psychotherapist and talk to him/her about what you are going through. 

The best advice - Try to be open, active, and talk to people who you trust and love, don't think low about yourself and if there is a problem, Face it because there is always a way through the problem!


Thank you for the pictures!

You are not alone | Mrs. Whittle( Thank you for the pictures ) Check out her blogs too!

Beautiful Free Images & Pictures | Unsplash

Mental disorder - Wikipedia 

Mental illness recovery is like baking a pie. | Everybody has a brain

9 tips for aiding a depressed teen | Parent (


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