
Showing posts from December, 2020

Mythical looking animals that actually exists!

There are various species of animals that exist in the present world, humans are regarded as animals too. Due to several human activities, numerous animals got extent and endangered. If you think, you might know most of the creatures living on Earth .... then read this blog to know about Whales that have horns or Deers which have Vampire's teeth.  1) NARWHAL -  Narwhal or Narwhale is a whale with a large tusk or Tooth,  It has a longhorn which can measure up to 9 feet in males. It is believed to be used for fighting off potential rivals. Narwhals are very rare and are estimated to be in a very low number - 45,000 to 50,000. Narwhal's scientific name is Monodon monoceros and Weight up to 4200 pounds with a length up to 14 feet in all. Their habitat - Oceans and they spend most of their lives in Arctic waters in Canada, Norway, or Russia. They feed mainly on Greenland halibut and other long fish. 2) SUPERB BIRD OF PARADISE -  By the name itself, we can understand that this bird c

Mental illness

Millions of people from all over the world suffer from mental illness, at least 1 out of 5 people are affected by mental illness and the problem can be mild or major but their daily activities can be affected due to it. Mental illness is a mental health disorder that influences/affects your mood, thinking, behavior, and daily activities; It can distract you and a common example of a mental disorder is depression or anxiety. Mental illness can occur due to financial problems, stress, family issues, or even social pressure, It can occur to anyone, any age, any gender, any time. We can prevent and recover from mental illness. 1) around 20% of American adults go through mental illness, 5% have serious mental illnesses. 8% of them can be cured. 2) Mental health is the proper functioning of daily activities such as relationships and cope up with life. Many people who suffer from mental illness do not want to express their feeling about it, they are worried that people might have a bad percep