Haunted Houses in real Life !

 Do you believe in Paranomial activities, curses, or Ghosts? I don't but I cannot say that ghosts don't actually exist. People have different opinions on paranormal activities and myths about Ghosts but I say that our mind is the one who is playing the trick. But here are few real haunted places or believed to be - 

1) Hotel Cecil in Los Angeles, California -


 This is one of the spookiest stories I have ever read. Murders, suicides, serial killers, and crazy paranormal activities. This hotel was opened in 1927 but the first-ever death was reported in 1931, but it didn't stop there ... a long string of deaths continued in 1932, 1934, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1939, and 1940. This continued till the 1960s, people were murdered, drank poison, shot themselves in front of the mirror, and slit their throats. A 19-year-old murdered a newborn in 1944  September, she woke up in the middle of the night and was having a terrible stomach ache, she rushed to the washroom and gave birth to a baby boy. She says that she didn't know she was pregnant and hence in shock, killed her own baby. she was admitted to a health prison. In 1962 two deaths were reported, both at the same time. 

But that's not all, many serial killers once lived here, the famous serial killer - " Richard Ramirez " better known as "night stalker " once lived there. The most terrifying incident was about Elisa Lam, a 21 -  year old girl. There is real evidence - CCTV footage about what happened in the elevator. Elisa Lam went missing and after a few days her body was found in the rooftop water tank but the elevator footage before she went missing was found. She was acting oddly, she acted like she is playing hide and seek or hiding from someone but how much ever she tries to close the elevator doors, they don't. I will give the youtube link below of the real footage!  

link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rfLSVIA0L0

2) Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana-

David Bradford bought a piece of land and built a house there in 1796 and named the place laurel Groove. He then had to leave hence let his family reside there but after Bradford's death, it was passed onto his daughter and her husband - Clarke Woodruff.  Woodruff's eyes were on a slave girl working there - Chloe. Chloe knew that she would be punished hard if she refuses to have a relationship with Woodruff hence, accepted it. The relationship lasted for years but Chloe was afraid that Woodruff's wife would find out about their relationship and started eavesdropping into their family's conversations, once when she was caught, Woodruff ordered her ear cut off. 

Chloe wanted revenge and one night when the family was about to have dinner, Chloe added poison to the food and soon the children and their mother were dead. The other slaves knowing what Chloe has done, hanged her to the nearby tree and threw her body into the river. It is believed that still now Chloe is seeking revenge and finding her ears. Many people visit Myrtles Plantation and experience paranormal activities.

3)   Los Feliz Murder Mansion in Los Angeles, California -

This mansion belonged to Dr.Harold perelson and his family in the mid 20th century but on December 6th, 1959, Harold murdered his wife with a ball-peen hammer. He also tried to kill his three Children but fortunately, the eldest daughter shouted when her father was about the kill her, this alerted the other two children .... this let them escape but Dr.Harold killed his daughter, but the twist is that he drank poison too and died soon. Dr. Harold was a successful doctor and also invented a new type of syringe but after the investigation, the case was closed as "depression due to financial problems". The house was bought by the Enriquez Family who used it as a storage unit but recently in 2016 it was sold to a couple but they said that they experienced paranormal activity and sold it to someone else in two years.


- written by Charitha .k 

                                                                        Thank you!                                                                             

 Thank you for providing the pictures! -








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