The Life Of A Farmer.

                                                              A FARMER 

A farmer is the most valued person on this earth. They feed us by working hard; but do you think we are valuing them enough?? Well, we have a soft spot for a Farmer in our hearts. Once a person starts farming the soils drives them in, and the happiness they gain when they see their hard work coming out in the form of a crop is something you can't  Imagine. We don't know how much effort a farmer puts in while growing a crop, we just know that a crop is produced from a farmer but it takes 140-160 days working under the Burning sun. Even if they don't gain any profit , they still have hope that they would get better results next time . They are the true example for having hope throughout their life!

In every workplace, there always will be a problem and the solution for it is - to adjust; the same applies to farmers. Every person is from a farming background because one or the other time their ancestors were farmers. Not many farmers are educated,  it is just what they learn from their parents or what they derive from their own knowledge. Nowadays there are many camps whose aim is to educate and teach better methods to a farmer.

Farmers are not being paid enough. let us take the current situation, due to the floods and the heavy rains, many farmers lost their crop which was about to be harvested. This is a loss of their hard work of 6-12 months and now they are in economic crisis cause the only way they can earn is through selling their crops but now the crops are ruined. There is no guarantee that the government is going to pay compensation to every farmer who lost their crop and the money the government gives might not be the actual rate of the crops.

I am sure that You probably would choose to be a software/doctor/architect/or other but if I ask you to choose between being a farmer and any other well-settling job; you would choose to be in another well-settling job because you know that you won't be happy being a farmer or at least be able to earn enough. With the money, they earn they probably can't even feed their children because half of their money is spent on buying the required materials needed for the next set of crops. It is a hard time for them in sending their children to schools but at least they are been sent to government schools. We say " anna Datha suki Bava" which means we appreciate the effort of the farmers who are feeding us. 

Can you memorize any protests that were held for Farmer's betterment? If you do then comment down below but yet there were very few in the 21st century. we all know that Farmers are having a hard time, we have to try and support them as much as we can. The first step you can do is create awareness about the tough time a Farmer is having. This is a huge problem that we are taking granted, we need to take a part in fighting along with the farmers. This is a problem that should be considered equal to other major problems such as poverty, corruption, and many more. Jai Jawan! Jai Kisan!



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