Precious Childhood!

 Childhood is what everybody dreams about!everyone wants to experience a wonderful childhood, but does childhood last forever? NO. When anyone looks back into their past(childhood), they remember all the silly fights they had, the best moments with your best friends, and fights with your parents for some toys. Gradually we grew from childhood to teenhood and then to adulthood. But many children had got their own childhood destroyed by working in various mines and shops to earn money. 

We need love and education when we are small. everyone in their childhood would have hated studying, didn't you? Many children now, want to grow fast so that they can be a teen but a teen feels to go back to their childhood where they had fun and silly moments/times. Every child should enjoy their childhood, play, and participate in many activities because once we enter teenhood we can't have many chances to participate in events and play like we used to

As we grow; education gains more importance, once we reach 13 +  we start to focus on studies because that is important at that age. We no more act like a child when we reach adolescence because our maturity levels grow. If you are still a child reading this blog....enjoy your childhood and never look forward for tomorrow, just do it today. Admit it! You all now are thinking about how your childhood was? 

 Many children used to cry not to come to school and in childhood, we all had squad fights between your squad and another squad. We used to decide a leader for our own squad, collect shells/stones/etc, and fight about who has more toys. We also used to brag about what we had with our friends and play endlessly! We used to cry for silly reasons like - not having friends, or not having toys and not winning in a competition or even that your parents scolded you. We all had a time where our parents used to tell us scary stories so that we eat and sleep. We were scared that our parents will hit or scold you if you spilled water or came back home late from playing, but when you reach adulthood/teenhood none of these mostly matter. PRECIOUS CHILDHOOD!

- Writtten by charitha.k 


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