
Showing posts from October, 2020

Facts about Chocolate!

chocolates are loved by everyone! (majority). Not only children but even adults love eating chocolates, according to me, chocolates are stress relievers and mood changers. chocolate isn't considered junk food, after years of research it was proved that chocolate has very benefits for health. Lets first thanks JOSEPH FRY who invented chocolates in 1847, it was also believed that it all started in Latin America and also that Cocoa plants were first found in ancient Mesoamerica. 1) Chocolates prevents Tooth Decay - We all know that our parents say that eating so many chocolates can cause tooth decay; but in reality, it prevents it. chocolates are made out of cocoa beans which contain antibacterial components, the components in the cocoa beans inhibit the bacteria and prevent tooth decay. 2) White chocolates are not actually chocolates - Chocolates are made out of cocoa beans but white chocolates are made out of cream, cocoa butter, and milk solids. These ingredients are not a match wi

Precious Childhood!

  Childhood is what everybody dreams about!everyone wants to experience a wonderful childhood, but does childhood last forever? NO. When anyone looks back into their past(childhood), they remember all the silly fights they had, the best moments with your best friends, and fights with your parents for some toys. Gradually we grew from childhood to teenhood and then to adulthood. But many children had got their own childhood destroyed by working in various mines and shops to earn money.  We need love and education when we are small. everyone in their childhood would have hated studying, didn't you? Many children now, want to grow fast so that they can be a teen but a teen feels to go back to their childhood where they had fun and silly moments/times. Every child should enjoy their childhood, play, and participate in many activities because once we enter teenhood we can't have many chances to participate in events and play like we used to .  As we grow; education gains more import

The Life Of A Farmer.

                                                              A FARMER  A farmer is the most valued person on this earth. They feed us by working hard; but do you think we are valuing them enough?? Well, we have a soft spot for a Farmer in our hearts. Once a person starts farming the soils drives them in, and the happiness they gain when they see their hard work coming out in the form of a crop is something you can't  Imagine. We don't know how much effort a farmer puts in while growing a crop, we just know that a crop is produced from a farmer but it takes 140-160 days working under the Burning sun. Even if they don't gain any profit , they still have hope that they would get better results next time . They are the true example for having hope throughout their life! In every workplace, there always will be a problem and the solution for it is - to adjust; the same applies to farmers. Every person is from a farming background because one or the other time their ancestors we